My most critically successful work to date has been my short film, Switzerland (2018), which is an essay documentary about coming out and finding yourself through a reading from a passage in television mogul, Andy Cohen's memoir, Most Talkative. This project is going to manipulate the meaning of film and storytelling. Using a series of canvases and the film transfer process I am taking image stills from my short film Switzerland and transferring them onto the canvas. These canvases (11 canvases) will create a wall installation with the transcript of the reading posted in the center. This is meant to challenge the meaning of film making, storytelling, when an audio/visual motion picture experience becomes a visual one. This is intended to challenge the senses and the history of motion pictures. Is this work an installation? A photo series? A sculpture of a film? Is it still a film? Is it still a story? These are the questions I want to stimulate the viewer with.
Switzerland, 2021, transfer film on canvas